Pick-up Time Reminder

Don't forget the changes to pick-up, which come into place today.

All the details are on the letter, which has been sent twice via ParentPay and can also be found on the website here https://www.weston.cheshire.sch.uk/serve_file/19721287

Here is the map to remind you where to collect your child(ren) from and how to get there. Refer to this information if you need to.

Red (R), Reception, Miss Watkins and Mrs Shilton
Purple (P), Year 1, Mrs Buckley
Turquoise (T), Year 2, Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Loveland
Gold (Go), Year 2/3, Miss Wilcox
Green (Gr), Year 3/4, Mr Robinson
Yellow (Y ), Year 4, Mrs Whittaker
Blue (B), Year 5, Miss Griffiths
Aqua (A), Year 6, Mrs Tyrrell and Mrs Lawton

Please ensure that you stick to the timings and the other details regarding parking. Keep in mind that a small number of vehicles will still be entering the turning circle and the vehicle gates will be open for that reason. This includes vehicles for children who access council operated transport including buses and taxis; parents of the very small number of particularly vulnerable children and for disabled people.

Finally, a reminder that we will only hand your child over to a known and expected adult. If you have arranged for someone else to collect your child, including another parent, you must contact us prior to hometime to let us know and to provide details. Similarly, where Year 6 children are walking home, this must be arranged with the teacher ahead of time.

We look forward to seeing you later!

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