Blue 2023 - 2024

Miss Griffiths


Welcome to Blue Class


We are a Year 5 class who are taught by Miss Griffiths, supported by Mr Richards, Miss Grindley, Mrs Inskip and Miss Cornes.

This is what we will be learning about in the Summer term:



Decimals:  Make a whole; Partition decimals; order decimals; compare decimals; round decimals; halves and quarters as decimals

Measurement:  Write money using decimals; Convert between pounds and pence; Compare amounts of money; Estimate with money; Calculate with money; Solve problems with money; Years, months, weeks and days; Hours, minutes and seconds; Convert between analogue and digital times; Convert to the 24-hour clock; Problem solving – converting time.

Geometry: Identify angles; Compare and order angles; Triangles; Quadrilaterals; Polygons; Reasoning about polygons; Lines of symmetry; Complete a symmetric figure;

Statistics:    Interpret charts; Solve problems with charts; Interpret line graphs; Draw line graphs;

Geometry:  Describe position; Describe position using coordinates; Plot coordinates; Draw 2D shapes on a grid; Translate on a grid; Describe translation on a grid.



We will develop our reading and writing skills across a range of genres and text types through the use of the following quality texts:

 The Lost Book of Adventure by Teddy Keen. The children will use this text, and others, to create a survival narrative and a survival guide.

King Kong by Anthony Browne. This text will inspire dilemma narrative writing and a balanced argument. 




This ‘Forces’ unit will teach the class about types of forces such as gravity, friction, water resistance and air resistance. The children will also learn about the use of mechanisms such as levers, gears and pulleys. They will identify forces and find out about Isaac Newton and his discoveries about gravity, completing a comprehension about his life and his work. The children will look for patterns and links between the mass and weight of objects, using newton meters to measure the force of gravity. They will also work collaboratively to investigate air and water resistance, participating in challenges to design the best parachute and boat. They will have the opportunity to work in a hands-on way to explore friction, developing their own brake pad for a tricycle or scooter. During some of the practical science work, the children will discuss how variables other than the one being tested can be kept the same to help make a test fair. Finally, they will find out about different mechanisms, including levers, gears and pulleys, and will design their own marvellous machine.


Animals including Humans

This unit recaps the children’s learning from year 1, looking at different types of common animals. It also recaps on year 2 learning that animals, including humans, have offspring, which grow into adults. This unit teaches about the changes that human beings experience as they develop to late adulthood. It tackles some sensitive subjects including puberty and late adulthood and death. The children will learn about the life cycle of a human being. They will compare the gestation period of humans and other animals and investigate the development of babies. They will learn about the changes experienced during puberty and why these occur and will also look at the changes that other animals experience. The children will look at the body as humans get older and look at how the life expectancy of humans has changed over time. 



Stone Age to Iron Age

This ‘Stone Age to Bronze Age’ unit will teach the class about how the Stone Age to Bronze Age period impacted on life in Britain. They will learn about how early man survived in a harsh environment, why Skara Brae was important for understanding life in the Stone Age, how copper mining was crucial to the Bronze Age and why Stonehenge was built. The children will also learn about why Iron Age people developed hillforts and how important Druids were in Iron Age Britain. 



Exploring Eastern Europe

In Geography next half term; we will explore the contrasting areas of eastern Europe; examining landscape; climate and locations in each area. We will be focusing on an array of ideas such as: describing a continent as a large landmass; explaining that continents are groups of countries whilst also identifying some countries in Europe. Throughout this unit we will also be focussing on our Atlas work and finding countries on a map.




This unit builds on the previous unit in Year 4 (Questions and Quizzes) using Scratch to build and edit algorithms for simple games. The unit is designed to help children develop their skills in writing their own algorithms as well as editing and debugging existing codes.


Using and Applying

This end of year Computing project provides children with the opportunity to use and apply the skills they have developed throughout the year. Working in groups over several sessions, children research, design and present their 'Ultimate New Bedroom'.



Ancient Egypt

This ancient Egypt unit will teach the class about how to use a pencil, pen and charcoal, how to make clay faces and model in paper and papiermache to create quality artwork that shows progression in their skills. The children will also have the opportunity to explore the work of Leger, Hockney and a photograph taken by Man Ray.


Design and Technology:

Programming Adventures

 In DT, the children will apply their understanding of computing to program a floor robot. They will explore a range of adventure maps and use these to create original designs. As a group; they will research how floor robots move along different types of materials and use this knowledge to create obstacles squares.


Religious Education:



Theme: Beliefs and Moral Values

Key Question: Do beliefs in Karma, Samsara and Moksha help Hindus lead good lives?



Theme: Beliefs and Moral Values

Key Question: What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to God?



At the Movies

With a focus on composing, the children will explore movie music from the 1920s animated films to present day movies. They will learn techniques for creating soundtracks and film scores, and compose their own movie music.



The musical focus in this unit is performing. As we head towards the end of year performance, the children will learn to perform lively, celebratory and upbeat pieces.


Physical Education:

The children will have two P.E. sessions. Outdoor PE will be taught on a Friday. In the Autumn term children will be working to improve their netball skills and hockey skills. Indoor PE will be taught on a Thursday. Lessons will include sport hall athletics and multi-sports skills.

On these days; the children will need to come to school dressed in their P.E. uniform: navy shorts and light blue t-shirt; navy tracksuit and light blue t-shirt. No logos or football kits. Trainers should be plain black or plain white. All long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed.


M.F.L. - French:

School Life

The children will learn key vocabulary related to objects, subjects and prepositional language. They will also learn the names of 2D shapes. The children will learn questions and answers which they would use at school. They will learn key phrases connected to the themes.



Diverse Britain:

We will identify how they can make a positive contribution to the community. They will learn about the law and the consequences of not respecting it. They will also learn about the workings of local and national government and the role of charities and voluntary groups in British society.

It's My Body:

We will learn about how to take care of our bodies. This will involve learning about consent and autonomy, learning about body image and stereotypes and learning about substances which are harmful to our bodies. The children will also learn about the importance of sleep and keeping clean, especially as their bodies change during puberty. Children will be encouraged to consider the choices they have and learn about the support that is available to them.



Maths: Maths homework will be set via Class DoJo on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. We ask for all children to continue to access Times Table Rockstars online to practice and improve instant recall of key multiplication and related division facts.

English: English homework will be set via Class DoJo on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. We ask that the children also engage frequently with Spelling Shed to practise their spellings.

Reading: At Weston; we encourage children to develop a lifelong love for reading. We ask for children to read regularly at home to adults and to themselves. Reading is fundamental to the wider academic and personal development of children and the need for children to read widely from a broad and challenging range of texts is crucial. Children will be able to select from or be provided with quality texts appropriate for their age and ability.

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