Red 2023 - 2024

Miss Watkins

    Welcome to Red Class! 

Red Class is the Early Years Foundation Stage (reception) class here at Weston. We aim to teach the EYFS curriculum with a vairety of engaging adult-led and child-initiated activities. We strive to create a happy and safe learning environment where the children are at the heart of all we do. We believe that children's first experiences of school are of great importance and help to shape a lifelong love of learning.

This is what we will be learning about in the Summer term:

Communication and Language:

This term, focus will be on listening and responding to others and following more complex instructions. The children will be encouraged to use talk to clarify their ideas and respond to ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions appropriately. An emphasis will also be on the children’s ability to use past, present and future forms accurately. We will explore lots of different ‘WOW’ words in class that we have taken from different stories, poems non-fiction texts and videos! 

Physical Development:

The children will learn to show increasing control over an object in pushing, patting, throwing, catching and kicking during P.E and dance.

Alongside developing gross motor skills, the children will complete various activities that improve fine-motor skills, including gripping pencils with control when writing. The children will continue to take part in weekly ‘Soccer Lion’ sessions, where they will learn early football skills and use these skills in team work building exercises.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

This area involves the children learning to describe self in positive terms and gaining confidence in describing their own abilities. The children will be encouraged to think about how they can take steps to resolve conflicts with other children using talk.  We will continue to discuss the difference between sharing and turn-taking in play. We encourage the children to bring any books, creations etc linked with our topics to ’show and tell’ to the rest of the class. 


The summer term will heavily focus on the children writing more independently, whether that be a simple word or a full sentence. The children will complete literacy tasks using a variety of fiction/non-fiction texts. They will also learn to tell the story of ‘The Gruffalo’, a firm favourite. We will continue to focus on how to use finger spaces, full stops, capital letters and imagination in their writing so it can be read more clearly, with an emphasis on reading their work aloud afterwards. The children will continue to write sentences using the special friends looked at in phonics as well as a range of tricky words looked at in class.

Read Write Inc.:

We will continue to practise ’Set 1’ special friends and ‘Set 2’ special friends and will focus on applying this phonic knowledge in reading and writing. A focus will also be on reading 4 & 5 letter words.

Please practise spelling out simple three- and four-letter words at home for extra support, as well as words that contain the set 2 special friends. We will continue to share our sounds on the weekly recap sent our every Friday via class dojo. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s reading skills, or would like to know how to further support their learning, please speak to a member of the EYFS team. We will continue to provide Friday ‘Stay and Learn’ sessions to support early reading and writing.


This term we will cover the following:  

-Number Bonds to 10

-Subtraction from 10
-Exploring patterns

- Counting on and counting back

-Composing and decomposing shapes

-Counting reliably with numbers to 20 and beyond

-Ordering numbers to 20 and beyond

-1 more, 1 less with numbers to 20

-Doubling, halving and sharing

-Odds and evens
-Volume and Capacity

-Sorting into two groups 

Understanding the World:

In addition to learning about the ‘Great Outdoors’, we will continue to look at the life cycle of frogs and introduce the life cycle of a butterfly. We will also be growing our own plants and looking at identifying mini-beasts. We will also talk about different countries and will look at these on maps. We will continue to look at our past and present theme by exploring transport in the past and comparing it to the different types of transport we have today.  

Expressive Arts and Design:

We will develop our drawing and painting skills by completing observational drawing of flowers and collecting tree rubbings. We will develop our drawings skills by drawing each other and looking at our different features. The children will continue to independently use the arts and crafts area to come up with their own creations using the skills taught during our art sessions.


The children will have two P.E. sessions. Outdoor PE will be taught on a Tuesday with Mr Richards. Indoor PE will be taught on a Friday with Soccer Lions. On these days, the children will need to come to school dressed in their P.E. uniform: navy shorts and light blue t-shirt; navy tracksuit and light blue t-shirt. No logos or football kits. Trainers should be plain black or plain white. All long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed.


Weekly recaps will continue to be sent out every Friday on class dojo. These weekly recaps will focus on ‘WOW’ words that we have looked at in class, weekly phonics sounds, high frequency words and 2 cheeky challenges based around literacy and maths objectives. In addition, we will also continue to send home school books to share with your child. 

Useful Information: (Link for bug club)


If you would like more information regarding the teaching of phonics please have a look on the RWI website;

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Miss Watkins for advice on how to further support your child's reading journey. 

Below is a pronuciation guide for our RWI sounds. Children are to use 'pure sounds' when blending and segmenting.


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